Omar Krivosic, 16 years old, green belt and from Växjö Judoklubb. Won contestants judoka since 2010 and have plans to continue with this. He can see his great judiciary light through and the will to constantly learn more.
When and how did you get in touch with Judo?
Answer: The first time I tested on Judo was on a buddy camp, then I had to train some martial arts when I was training aikido. When I tested Judo, it felt perfectly right for me 🙂
What does judo mean to you?
Answer: Judo what it means to me? Well, that means a lot, I have not practiced so much, but I’ve been amazed at it very much.
When did you compete for the first time?
Answer: I competed for the first time in 2010 in December it was immediately after I had an orange belt. I had to pass over the yellow. It was a race called Ippon Cup, I think, but I do not really know where it was.
How did it feel?
Answer: I felt really engaged before, I wanted to test everything I had learned and see if it worked. First and second match, I think I kept my breath all the time. I was sick nervously and just tired of walking on the carpet. The first two I lost and the others won me and I got to race in the H20 so it was okay at the beginning.
How many people work in Växjö Judoklubb?
Answer: In fact, there are not so many who work out sometimes we are 3 in training and sometimes 10 but it is bad compared to other clubs. But there are just as many children who train.
Recent competitions you’ve been on?
Answer: It was Southern Cup 4 in Novemer 2011.
What is the best thing about Judo?
Answer: The best thing about Judon is I like throwing and throwing hard I think it’s the best thing about Judon ..
What are your plans for 2012?
Answer: My plans are first and foremost that my shoulder gets better so that I can work out again. I’ve recently hurt my shoulder and could not train or compete. So I hope it gets better with it so I can drive hard again.
What are your interests besides judo?
Answer: I exercise nothing but the judon itself has tested a lot but never stuck to ngt .. And I like being with friends.
What makes you happy?
Answer: My family, friends and judo.
What is your favorite technique right now?
Answer: My favorite technique is enough seoi-toshi.
Do you have any Judo dream that you want to experience?
Answer: I want to be world champion.
Which judoka do you like best?
Answer: My absolute favorite is Koga! I like his style and his techniques. But I also like Ilias Iliadis I like him because he is so strong and has many techniques ..
Do you like the best of ne waza or tatchi waza?
Answer: I like more tachi waza, I like to throw but do not mind going down to the ground.